Hero Faq


Where is your office?

My office is located in midtown Tucson near the intersection of Elm and Tucson:

1600 N Tucson Boulevard, Suite 100 Tucson, AZ 85716

How long are therapy sessions?
Sessions run for 50-60 minutes. If necessary, we can arrange longer sessions to accommodate your specific needs.
How do I set up an initial appointment?
You can contact me through my website, email, or phone call/text to arrange a phone consultation. During the consultation, we will schedule your first appointment and set you up with an electronic intake packet.
What is the cancellation policy?
Any appointment canceled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged the full session cost. There is no late cancellation fee for sicknesses or unforeseen emergencies.
What does the intake process look like?

My intake process is entirely electronic. After your phone consultation, you will receive two emails with intake paperwork.

The first email will contain the intake assessments and consent.

The second email will contain a good faith estimate for therapy services to help you understand the estimated cost and duration of therapy.

Do you take insurance?
I do not accept insurance. My practice is fully private pay aside from EAP services through Compsych, Jorgensen Brooks, and MINES. I would be happy to discuss my rates or any special financial arrangements with you during your consultation call.
What age ranges do you work with?
I work primarily with adults ages 18 and up. I may work with adolescents ages 15 and up on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to contact me if you think I may be a good fit for your child.
Who do you work with?
I provide individual therapy only. I find I am very effective with folks from a wide range of backgrounds and also have a natural rapport with clients who are neurodivergent, transgender, or differently abled. Many of my clients are professionals.
What do therapy sessions look like with you?

Therapy sessions with me are mostly conversational, with some education on different subjects as needed.

I typically do not rely on worksheets, although I am open to using them if you find them helpful. Our talks will be constructive, with you leading the way. I find that being a great listener builds trust and allows me to enter your world and understand you better. I tend to choose my words carefully and have been told I can broach difficult subjects in a gentle way.

We will review your progress in each session since I last saw you and set new objectives for the week(s) ahead.

Is there homework between sessions?

Yes! Although “homework” is almost always brief and simple. The main thing to remember is that therapy only works if you implement the skills we discuss between sessions so that change happens in your day-to-day life.

We cannot accomplish real change during the hour that you see me in the office. During that time, we put things into context, review our game plan frequently, and create a safe, uplifting space to support your amazing work.

What modalities do you use?
I use a combination of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, experiential therapy, mindfulness, and inner child work. If you have questions about any of these modalities, I would be happy to talk with you on the phone.
What is your professional training and experience?

I am a licensed social worker and received my degree through Arizona State University. Social workers view people in the context of their environment, acknowledging that environmental stressors at home and even in the world affect one’s mental health, well-being, and ability to create lasting change for themselves.

I have worked in various settings, including services for the homeless, child welfare, education, outpatient mental health, and residential treatment for substance use.

What else should I know to make the most of working with you?

Authenticity is the name of the game when working with me. I do not desire power over you, nor do I believe I am the expert on your life.

My intent is always to create a safe, open space where you can express and explore who you really are. That’s where the magic happens! If you are persistent, you will even learn to enjoy going beyond your comfort zone.

Do you have it all together?
Honestly, no! I’ve never met someone who does. In fact, if you ask me where my current growth area is at any given time, I will tell you. The joy is in the journey, not being perfect.
What’s something I’d be surprised to know about you?
I am a lifelong artist. I have a B.A. in music and have created my own art for a very long time.
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Sorry but no. 🙂